THE SHIT in 1'S HUT dog

It was a hot summer on the beach BUT ME WANT HUTDOG I said to myself! I went to the hutdog stand and ordered a dogdog the man running the stand looked at me his face so amazing so transfixing I wanted to lick it. He put the bun directly under his bum preceded to squint he looked in pain,I was flattered he was going through all this for me! I bent over and gave him a kiss! he looked stunned he shed a tear "No one has ever thanked me for a hutdog before!" he said. this filled me with rage who could not thank this transfixing man! I promised myself they would pay! he handed me my HUTDOG I went for my wallet the he screamed "NO! just a kiss will do!" he made me blush I kissed the man. I ran over to a bench to eat my HUTDOG he pooped it out little swirls for me I was flattered. I began to munch on it when he came back "I hope he wants another kiss " I though but he came and stabbed me and hyper realistic bluddd came out He SCREAMED "MY HUTDOG" That was the last thing I ever saw!